Thursday, January 1, 2009

Potato Latkes

We are a latke loving family and today was no exception ! My son Kris and I made a small batch of them since we had lots of sour cream handy for the top. We only made enough for the two of us but you can certainly double the recipe to make more. This is how we have been making them for..let's see ... over 30 years now ! This was how I learned from my mother in law, Lil.
Here is the recipe with pictures below.
Potato Latke
(makes about 6-7)
2 large potatoes ( I used 1 large and 1 small)
1 small onion
1 egg
1/4 cup of flour (enough to thicken)
salt and pepper
oil for frying
First chop the onion finely and we used 1 large potato and 1 small potato.
Some recipes call for grating the onion but it's too difficult...and painful!

Grate the potatoes and try to get as much water out of them as possible. They are very watery so you will need tons of paper towels or put into a colander and squeeze out the water!
Try to work quickly as the potatoes will start to turn brown right away.
Add the egg and starting with about 1/4 cup of the flour, add enough to thicken til it just holds together but not too much. It should be light consistency, not thick. Then add salt and pepper. We like it with lots of pepper !!

Shape them into a pancake shape and fry in a large skillet with about 2 tbsp. of veg. oil.
on medium heat. Make them kind of thin so they cook quicker and get crunchy. They do need to cook about 5-8 minutes on each side slowly so they cook through but don't burn.
You will have to fry a batch at a time. Blot on paper towels after they come out of the skillet. After each batch you can keep them warm in the oven til they are all cooked.
That way you can eat together instead of you standing at the stove frying while everybody else gets to eat!!

We like ours with sour cream but you can put applesauce on top if you like also.

1 comment:

  1. Susan....I was racking my brain recently trying to remember the name of that flea market. Rice's...I used to go on a regular basis and loved it. Thanks for the reminder. Glad you liked my post about the street photographer. xo, Rosemary
